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What is on-site roll forming?

On-site roll forming is where we bring a portable roll forming machine to your building site to manufacture the metal roofing panels for the structure.

How do you fabricate the standing seam panels?

A steel coil is fed through a machine and feeds through a series of rollers until it has gained the desired shape.  We can make panels to longer lengths than you can get from a factory. This means fewer seams and fewer seams mean a more resilient roof. Once made, they are ready to use and can go directly up onto the roof.

What is the minimum roof pitch on which a metal roof may be installed?

For standing-seam metal roof panel systems, a 1/4:12 minimum roof slope is recommended.

Can insulation be added under metal roofing?

Yes – we use bubble insulation. It is important to insulate your metal roof because it will help the building remain cool in summer and warm in winter.

Can you install metal roofing over existing shingles?

Yes – if there are not too many. Doing this eliminates a costly and time-consuming job because you do not have to tear off existing shingles.

Can skylights be installed with a metal roof?

Yes – skylights are very compatible with standing seam metal roofs

Is all metal roofing created equal?

No – not everyone can create a custom-made standing seam metal roof to the same standard as Sunset Metal Roofing.  In addition, a standing seam roof ensures there are no screw holes so no way for water to penetrate it, unlike other kinds.

Is metal roofing a better long-term value than shingles?

Your customer’s initial investment will be higher but in the long term, they are significantly better valued because they are so durable and have a way longer lifespan than shingles.

Are standing seam metal roofs noisy when it rains or hails?

No – standing seam metal roofs can be very effective at dampening or disturbing sound waves because we use soundproofing bubble underlayment.

How well does metal roofing stand up to adverse weather conditions?

Standing seam metal roofs can take years of abuse from bad weather. They withstand strong winds and hail substantially better than asphalt shingles. They also shed snow quickly and are fire-resistant.

Are metal roofs energy-efficient?

Metal is one of the most energy-efficient materials for roofing on the market. They reflect heat away from buildings. They also offer an efficient heat-loss barrier in the winter.

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